It's officially October! And we all know what that means... Halloween. I am beyond excited for pumpkin patches and caramel apples. It's time to sit down and turn on the Tim Burton films while enjoying your favorite candy. And you can't forget the pumpkin carving. Now, personally I'm not very good at carving pumpkins. Every year I draw out a simple design and the moment I begin carving... I screw it up somehow. I then proceed to get frustrated and take a 5 minute cool down before returning to my pumpkin and improvising with what I have left to work with. But every year I try it again. Carving pumpkins is an excuse to spend time with my family. I may be bad at it but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it when I am surrounded by the people I love. I think this is a concept that people ought to entertain more. The fact that we can enjoy even the things that we aren't good at if we surround ourselves with the right people. It's fun to be silly and even to fail at certain things when you have good people to laugh at it with. It's okay to stumble when you have people to pick you up after you fall. So don't give up because it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to the first time. Learn to laugh about it, have fun, and improvise. And with time this may become a humbling experience. It challenges you to look at the bright side even when it didn't work the first time. Give it a round two,k try again. and this time don't forget your family and friends. We all have moments in our lives that are like me trying to carve a pumpkin. We get frustrated easily and need a cool down. We want to give up. But if we surround ourselves with uplifting, encouraging people we may find that even our mistakes can be turned into a smile. Happy Halloween! :)