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Writer: E.V. JohnsonE.V. Johnson

We all have a little phoenix in us. I know that isn't always easy to believe especially with the struggles that life throws at us. This weekend in the small town in which I live there have been two suicides. I didn't know either of them well but I do know what it's like to lose someone close to you from suicide. I also know what it's like to be suicidal. Everyone is telling people to reach out because there's people and resources, which is true. But while the community is focused on helping the people close to those that passed away they seem to be unaware of the struggles this causes for those that may not have known those people well but struggle with suicidal thoughts and actions themselves. Although I didn't really know either victim my mental health has been plummeting after receiving the information about the deaths in the area. Yes, I am a compassionate person who grieves for the loss the community has suffered. But I'm gonna get personal for a moment. For someone who struggles with suicide it's everything but easy when the community begins to say and post things around social media. It's hard to hear things like "She's in a better place." "Jesus didn't call her home, but He welcomed her with open arms." "I'm just glad she isn't in pain anymore." And I'm not saying these things are wrong to say because they do help some people. What I am saying is don't ignore the people who struggle from hearing/reading these comments. Some people (including me) start to think on these thoughts and grow them into reasons. For me I struggled the most after my aunt died two years ago and everyone tried to comfort me by saying that she was in a better place now. My mind thought on that for far too long and began to wonder if it was so much better there why am I still here. This weekend I've found myself struggling with peoples "comforting" words. I appreciate their heart and I know they are trying to help everyone; but some of us are triggered by these comments and don't say anything in fear of being rude. So please, listen, love, and never give up; because one day you will rise from the ashes of grief, the ashes of depression, the ashes of sadness and loneliness. One day you will find your wings and learn to fly. Because we all have a little phoenix in us.



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