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Musically Inclined

Writer: E.V. JohnsonE.V. Johnson

Updated: Aug 16, 2019

The first half of my February was a bit boring, not a lot happened. I had school and that was about it. I made time for my family, my boyfriend, and my friends. Then Valentine's Day rolled around I went to play practice with my boyfriend because I had been hanging out with him that day. I had done theater with those directors for years. So, when I showed up to their practice we started to talk. They said they could find me a small part in the play still if I was interested. Needless to say, I am now in a play. It is a 'Romeo and Juliet' parody/musical and I am loving the show! Our performances are the first two weekends in May and I'm a bit nervous. We go off script in a week. My time has been spent running between school and play rehearsal. Next week I also have auditions for another musical. Rehearsals will overlap for about a month and a half but performances for this one aren't until June. On top of the plays, I am also in my high school's concert band and choir. It's festival season. Last week was the band festival, we got a red ribbon/excellent. This last Monday was the band/choir concert in which I had a solo singing in one choir song and a timpani solo in one of the band songs. This last Wednesday was the choir festival in which we placed excellent and got a red ribbon. In two weeks the concert band is going to Seattle for another band festival and a few fun activities along the way. I believe we are going to Pike's Market and the zoo, so I'm excited for that! I've been so busy that that I haven't made much time for song writing. I find myself caught up in life sometimes and forgetting to focus on the things that matter most. My friends, family, boyfriend, and of course, my music. My music isn't just my future hopes and dreams, it is the glue that holds me together. Music is my filter place, my thoughts and emotions all combined into one piece. My music is my mind and my life in a song. All of my experiences, all of my hope and despair pored onto a sheet of paper in hopes of sharing light, love, empathy, and wisdom. My music is the life within me, it is powerful, meaningful, and I hope it helps people someday. I have other forms of expression and other filter places as well. This blog is my safe space, a place to tell you all about my month, my ups and downs, the happy and crappy of my life. This is a place where I also hope to reach out to people to help, to empathize and sympathize. A place where I can be purely me without anybody telling me how to live my life and who to be. I love that I have the ability to express myself through writing in many forms. Short stories, books, poems, songs, and my blog. Another place I find peace is on air. I dj for my school's radio station. I love being able to sit back and enjoy the music. I love being able to talk to people about fun, exciting things. I love telling the community about sports and plays and band/choir events. I love sharing the news about upcoming sunshine and the warm weather we're expecting. I have the opportunity to reach out to the community and let them know about the adventures awaiting them in our wonderful little town. The small talk about the good things combined with music seems to always cheer me up even on my worst of days. As I'm sure you've figured out, music is what my life revolves around. Music is my passion, my heart, my world.



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