It's finally hitting me, like a brick upside the head. Lexi is leaving soon. Soon, she is leaving on her senior trip and creeping up on us is the time when she leaves for college. I'm terrified! I know my fears are silly but I can't help but wonder if she will find better friends? What if she grows up enough that she doesn't want to hang out with me? It's probably just anxiety but these are just a couple of the thoughts racing through my head. Now don't get me wrong, I am so happy for her! She graduated high school! She has grown so much and is turning into a beautiful, Godly woman. She is loyal and kind and spontaneous. I know she will go on many great adventures with many great people. I just don't know what I am going to do without her. When I'm having a bad day I can always count on her to make me smile just by being around her. Her personality shines even on her bad days she glows with love and joy. I count on her to be here for me and I know that she still is and always will be. She just won't be 10 minutes away.... it'll be more like 7 hours. Just a phone call away. I have to keep reminding myself that her and I are family, not just friends. Although this is all crazy scary It is going to be okay. And someday I will get to watch her graduate from college, just like her high school graduation. I will be there at her wedding. And we will make many, many more memories together throughout this summer and the summers to come. Yesterday was Lexi's graduation from the community college/running start. I am so glad I was able to go and be there for her final high school graduation. After the graduation we all went over to Lexi's house. We played trash can and ate cookies before heading to the backyard for a bonfire. s'mores and conversations for hours on end. We then went to the middle school field to go star tripping. After a long night of fun times we headed home. I may be scared for the future but I know it holds great things. So here's to concerts, star tripping, bonfires, and spontaneous summer nights with friends and family.