Apple cider, Halloween, sweater weather, I'm ready for it all. Fall here I come! I'm stepping out, doing new things with my life. This Fall I'm trying to grow. The only problem is... I feel like I'm falling. I didn't graduate this last year so now I have to take my GED. I don't have a job and nobody seems to want to hire me. I failed my drive test the other day. I auditioned for American Idol, and I didn't even make it through the first round of auditions. I keep stepping out but I'm missing the step and tumbling down the entire staircase. But I'm trying to get back up. I am covered in bruises from falling on my face; but I know that somehow, someday I will find my place. I have to believe that I deserve a better future. I have to believe that I have earned where I am today by fighting, by trying again and again and again. Because if I don't believe that... then I am out of options. If I have no hope then I have nothing to hold onto. Hope makes life worth it. Hope makes love worth it. Hope makes passions and dreams come to life. So yes, I'm falling over and over again. But I am also standing time after time. When a baby takes it's first steps it may stumble and fall a little. We do not belittle the baby for falling but rather congratulate it on the steps that it did take. So why as adults have we abandoned this concept? When People try, do not criticize them for their failures; but rather celebrate the steps they have taken to be where they are. Because they aren't where they used to be. Because a few steps taken before a fall is more than a simple crawl. Be there, like a mother to a child, to pick each other up after a fall. Never give up, be patient; it takes everyone a little time to learn how to walk. So here's to new beginnings, to trying... again, to standing tall, to our first steps. Here is to us and learning how to fall.