Sometimes it can feel like there are flames surrounding us. We try our best to put it out, desperately using our tears to extinguish the flames. Everyone is fighting their own flame. It may be a fight for peace, it may be for joy, it may be for healing, or for confidence and self worth. Whatever it may be, you are not alone.The Lord will stand in the flames beside you; he will wipe away your tears and protect you from the fire. And even if we are burning to ashes, keep in mind that a phoenix rises from ashes. We become a new person at the end of our trials. We rise anew with more strength, more confidence, more peace. We rise from the ashes of our sin and our pain to fight another day as warriors of heaven, as warriors of faith. And in doing so we leave behind every fear, every hurt, every lie, and we follow the plan that God has set before us. So if you find yourself surrounded, burning, drowning, barely surviving, hold on to the promises that heaven has for you. Your life is worth so much, you are worth so much. You are loved, you are cared for, you are beautifully and wonderfully made. I sometimes find myself in the midst of the flame doubting the strength of God. I cry and pray and ask why. Why am I here? Why would you leave me in the middle of the fire to fight my battles, to fight for my life, and with no tools expect me to survive? But as I pray and think God reveals to me his might, and his love. He has been equipping me my whole life. He has surrounded me with people who support me. He has given me tools of empathy, love, and care. He has given me strength in my weakest moments. He has given me love on my darkest days. He has carried me up the mountains. And will stand by me through the flames. Because even when I feel like everything is falling apart, it may be falling into place. Even when my heart is shattered he is picking up the pieces one by one and with care he patches them together with his love. So stand. Stand in the flames but realize that you are not (and never will) stand alone in the fire.